Everything at Your Fingertips

Grace Truth Digital now includes everything you need to get the most out of these conversations! Each session contains a video, discussion questions, and bonus content. We've also thrown in the full text of Grace/Truth 1.0 and 2.0. You can still purchase the print versions here, but we've included each chapter as a downloadable PDF!

Watch Trailer

Course Curriculum

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
    • Watch - The Jesus Way (8:36)

    • Conversation: Full Text

    • Conversation 2: Discussion Questions

    • Bonus. Pastoral Paper 2: Why Didn't Jesus Mention Homosexuality?

    • Bonus. Grace/Truth Podcast 2: The Posture of Jesus

  4. 4
    • Watch - What Is Marriage (6:08)

    • Conversation 3: Full Text

    • Conversation 3: Discussion Questions

    • Bonus. Pastoral Paper 1: Should Christians Attend a Same-Sex Wedding Ceremony?

    • Bonus. Grace/Truth Podcast 3: Sex Difference in Marriage

  5. 5
    • Watch - What Does The Bible Say About Same-Sex Relations (7:20)

    • Conversation 4: Full Text

    • Conversation 4: Discussion Questions

    • Bonus. Pastoral Paper 4: Was Homosexuality the Sin of Sodom?

    • Bonus. Pastoral Paper 7: Did Adult Consensual Same-Sex Relationships Exist in Bible Times?

    • Bonus. Pastoral Paper 5: 15 Reasons for Affirming Same-Sex Relations -- And 15 Responses

  6. 6
    • Watch - Six Relational Dos and Don'ts (16:23)

    • Conversation 5: Full Text

    • Conversation 5: Discussion Questions

    • Bonus: Grace Truth Podcast 4: Gospel First, Sexuality Later

  7. 7
    • Watch - Us vs. Us (10:02)

    • Conversation 6: Full Text

    • Conversation 6: Discussion Questions

  8. 8
    • Watch - Shouldn't Christians Just Love Everyone & Other Questions (9:12)

    • Conversation 7: Full Text

    • Conversation 7: Discussion Questions

  9. 9
    • Watch - Sex, Gender, and the Bible (9:56)

    • Conversation 8: Full Text

    • Conversation 8: Discussion Questions

    • Bonus. Pastoral Paper 12: A Biblical Conversation About Transgender Identities

  10. 10
    • Watch - A Grace/Truth Response to the Gender Conversation (9:06)

    • Conversation 9: Full Text

    • Conversation 9: Discussion Questions

    • Bonus. Pastoral Paper 11: What Pronouns Should Christians Use For Transgender People?

  11. 11
    • Watch - LGBT+ Inclusion in the Church (9:49)

    • Conversation 10: Full Text

    • Conversation 10: Discussion Questions

    • Bonus. Pastoral Paper 9: Guidance for Churches on Membership, Baptism, Communion, Leadership, And Service for Gay and Lesbian People

    • Ready for More? Check out our Digital Leaders Forum!

Engage in One of the Most Important Conversations of Our Time


  • What is this organization's statement or view on marriage, sexuality & gender?

    1. According to God’s design and intent, sex difference (male and female) is an intrinsic part of what marriage is. While same-sex marriage is legal in some countries, it does not represent a historical, Christian view of marriage. 2. All sex outside of marriage is sin. 3. The Fall has corrupted God’s original intent for human sexuality in all persons; therefore, all people—straight or non-straight—experience corruption in their sexuality. 4. Simply experiencing attraction to the same sex (or being gay) is not in itself a morally culpable sin. 5. Biological sex is an essential part of human identity. 6. All forms of abuse, slander, dehumanization, or oppression toward fellow humans are an affront against God’s sacred image, which has been stamped upon all people.

  • What does The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender do?

    The Center equips leaders with theologically sound and accessible resources through our conferences, pastoral and academic papers, private theological and pastoral consultation, blogs, videos, podcasts, and webinars.

  • What is the purpose of this content? What will I learn?

    You’ll learn practical ways to love LGBTQ people, what the Bible says about marriage and same-sex relations, how to respond to affirming arguments and how to humanize the discussion, relevant Q&As on sexuality and gender, and the latest scientific research on sexuality and gender.

  • Who is this course for?

    This content is intended for Christians who desire to uphold the Word of God while loving people better. We've found our content is most helpful to those in ministry, small group leaders, parents of LBGTQ kids, LGBTQ Christians, and Christians who desire to better understand our cultural moment.

  • What do I need to run this course?

    All you need is internet access and a web browser! Everything else is included in the course. Each lesson includes a video, discussion questions, and bonus content (white papers and podcasts). We've also included the full text of Grace Truth 1.0 and 2.0 as downloadable PDF's. If you're the type of person that likes a physical book, the Grace/Truth 1.0 and 2.0 books are available for purchase at Store.CenterforFaith.com

  • What if I have technical questions or need support while going through the Grace/Truth?

    If you have questions about technical support, please email us at [email protected]. If you have theological questions, please refer to our Pastoral Papers, which can be downloaded for free at https://www.centerforfaith.com/resources.

  • Where does this organization stand on Christians using terms like "gay" and "LGBTQ"?

    We believe that faithful Christians who experience attraction to the same sex or gender dysphoria can reach different conclusions about which language is most helpful to describe their experience. To understand two different faithful approaches to this question, read our blog dialogue "Gay vs. "Same Sex Attraction" (centerforfaith.com). For additional discussion of concerns about the phrase "gay Christian" (and responses to those concerns), watch "What Does 'Gay Christian' Actually Mean?" We will also be hosting a webinar about these topics on April 25, 2022, called "Should Christians Identify as Gay?"